Preparing For Puppy
Welcoming your new puppy home is very exciting! With that excitement may also come some anxiety about how to be best prepared for your puppy especially with all the information and opinions floating online. We have provided some guidance on best practices as well as some special offers to help you feel prepared for your newest four-legged life companion.
Puppy Proof Your Space
Let's face it, puppies are inquisitive curious and explorative by nature. They can't help it and we can stop it but there are some things you can do to make your shared space safer. Below are things you should ensure are out of reach for your pup:
Electrical wires – Make sure electrical wires are out of their reach especially when not under your direct supervision.
Household chemicals – Bleach, ammonia, disinfectants, rat poison, paint, oven & drain cleaners.
Heat producing devices – Hot irons, coffee pots, kettles, ovens, stoves, and space heaters. Always use a fireplace screen to keep your puppy away from the fire
Bite size items – Medication, moth balls, litter fluid, cat litter/feces, balloons, coins, socks, panty hose, underwear, rubber bands, cigarette buds, thread, string, ribbons.
Poisonous plants – Aloe, eucalyptus, daisies, amaryllis, azaleas, begonias, carnations, gardenia, holly, hydrangea, ivy, lavender, tulips.
Hot tubs / swimming pools – Until your pup is much older be sure to directly supervise them around hot tubs and swimming pools. Keep covers on them when not in use​

Some Human Foods That May Be Harmful:
Grapes and raisins
Avocados, onions, garlic
Chocolate in all forms: It's not a rumor. Chocolate can be dangerous for dogs. It contains theobromine, a powerful stimulant that is toxic for pets. Sweets like cakes and cookies can also upset a dog's gastrointestinal tract and lead to diarrhea and vommiting or pancreatitis, which can be serious.
Gum, candy, or foods sweetened with xylitol
Moldy or spoiled foods
Raw yeast dough
​To avoid any accidental ingestion, it's best to always remember to keep these foods out of your puppy's reach at all times.
Food and Nutrition
Puppy food (kibble) – Your puppy has been fed NOW Fresh Puppy Food, a high-quality diet we recommend continuing. If NOW Fresh isn't available, GO Solutions (also by Petcurean) is a suitable alternative. Your puppy will come with a small bag of NOW Fresh. If you choose a different food after 30 days, please transition slowly to avoid digestive upset.
Puppy food (raw) – If you prefer a raw food diet, we recommend continuing with Raw Performance or a similar high-quality brand. Our puppies are raised on a combination of raw food and kibble to ensure a smooth transition to either diet.
Food scoop & air tight storage bin (recommended) - See here
Training treats – Go for a treat as natural as possible. We like Zuke's dog treats or Crumps

​​​Vitamins & Supplements – From the time puppies are born they have been receiving NUVET Plus Immune System builder through mom's milk and afterwards. One of the reasons we love Nuvet is for its protection against environmental toxins and its support for dog's health from puppyhood into their senior years covering all three stages of life. NUVET is also available to the public with a code from a pet professional. Please call 800-474-7044 and use Order Code: 990244, or visit the website to order.
Probiotics – Your puppy has had probiotics as part of their meals in our care. We recommend adding probiotics to your pups diet/feeding. You can administer it as a twice monthly regimen, once weekly or even daily (sprinkled in food). Probiotics are great for fighting toxins, healthy skin, healthy and shiny coat, optimal gut health and many more. There are many wonderful probiotics for dogs out there and your vet should be able to recommend a good one for you. We are also happy to share a few options with you too.

DIY Training Resources:
Alternatively you can find a positive reinforcement trainer to come to your home within the first two weeks and/or to take puppy classes when they are eligible to attend
You can also follow the MyLoyalHound online training program and train puppy yourself. Use our partner code BREEDERSGIFT60 for $60 off [ click here]
Here are a few other suggested resources:
Video – Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age [click here]
Raising Puppies & Kid’s Together A Guide for Parents by Pia Silvani and Lynn Eckhardt [ click here ]

Check out Dreamdoods Training Program Packages and enrollment Information